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The Who I Am Project | Wilbraham, MA photographer

The winter is a slow time for me business-wise. So a few years ago I started offering The Who I Am Project sessions. These are tween empowerment sessions. Offering a mix of photography and loving words of encouragement from the people most important to you. I say these sessions fill my bucket. I love spending time with each tween and getting to know them. And then as I go through all of the feedback from their parents, grandparents, coaches, teachers, siblings, and friends- and I just love it all. Many times I am in tears at my computer as I put together the slideshow to share with the family.

Then I get to share it with them! We gather in their home, surrounded by their loved ones. And there are more tears of love- not just from me. There is laughter at some of the answers, and there is joy. The Who I Am Project shows these special people just how loved and valued they are by so many. There are times in middle school you can feel so bad about yourself or your place in the world. The Who I Am Project makes sure these tweens never doubt it at all. I am so grateful for everyone who takes the time to answer the questions thoughtfully- especially the non-family members- those replies often mean the most. I mean your mom has to say nice things about you but your teacher? or music tutor? Nope, they must mean it!

I did Olivia’s session back in March. I have known her practically since she was born. I adore her! She is the youngest of 4, with the other 3 being brothers. I was so excited to do this with her. As we settled in to watch the video Olivia had a bowl of popcorn on her lap munching away. But I watched her and the first time a response came up from someone she wasn’t expecting she became very still and put the popcorn away, and gave the slideshow her full attention. She knew certain people had responded but not to the full extent. It was magic. And of course, Mom was in tears at the end- moved by the kindness of so many. Without further ado, I share with you just a sampling of her The Who I Am Project session.

And now I must confess just reading them again I am tearing up! Do you have a tween in your life that could benefit from The Who I Am Project? I only offer them January- April- so make a note and reach out next year- you will not be sorry. Here is a little more information.

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